The past two days since I’ve landed have been a whirlwind of experiences. From the airport, we were greeted by three of the SIT members, all very kind and welcoming. They led us to a tour bus from which we took a 45 minute rid to our hotel where we stayed for the first two nights. Looking out of the window of the bus, I saw things I never realized existed. From street dogs to men huddled in circles playing some kind of game to street carts lining the highway, to military personal very openly holding huge guns walking around joking and laughing, I didn’t really know how to process any of the things I was seeing. I’ve read about the slums and the poverty and the chaos of India, but to see it first-hand was really remarkable.
The past two days have consisted of traveling around downtown Delhi for orientation by the group’s doctor on health measures, the group psychologist on how to deal with all of the new things we’re seeing and the culture shock because of it, and an Indian-American “cultural” coach of sorts who told us about the different norms and behaviors that we will be learning to adapt to. For example, we were told not to smile openly at strangers, particularly at men, because this could be interpreted as being an advance on our part. We must only use our right had to eat food because the left hand is seen as being “dirty”. This is really difficult for me because I do everything with my left hand. I feel like an infant learning how to hold utensils again.
The most overwhelming thing I’ve experienced so far are the slums. Groups of people crammed together under huts made of tarps and scrap metal. And they sleep/eat/exist here. It makes me feel guilty almost for ever feeling like I didn’t have enough of something at some point. The instructors tell us that is is a complex social system that is deeply rooted in Indian history, and that we’ll learn to exist with it, but even so, it’s difficult to come to terms with.
I have little internet access, which is actually refreshing, but it makes it difficult to stay in contact with people at home and update this blog, so I think I won’t be writing on this blog as much as I initially though I’d be able to. But, this may change once I meet my home-stay family on Saturday. We’ll see....I’m just along for the ride right now.