Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mo' Vizualz

A prayer garden pathway in Sikkim. You can kind of get a glimpse of how steep the land is here. 

View from a teacher's house in a village across the valley facing Gangtok city. 

One of the many "mitai" (sweet) shops. Most of the sweets are made of a ratio of 80% sugar and 20% butter. A lot of the SIT students don't like Indian sweets, but I've grown to really love them. Most of the sweets are prepared with "rose water" which tastes exactly like what a little elderly woman smells like.  For some reason, I love it! (It doesn't surprise me though- my sense of smell is a little tweaked.) For example-  While driving in a taxi with Danielle and Shelly, I made a remark about how I've grown to enjoy the burning-fire smell that permeates the air everywhere- be it in a city or in a village. Shelly said, "I think that's the smell of burning garbage." And she's totally right. People light little piles of garbage on fire along the sides of roads, even in Sikkim. I think it's because there isn't a very successful garbage disposal system here. 

Nutritional breakfast of digestive biscuits and peanut butter after my weekly bucket shower. Peanut butter is SO expensive here in comparison to other consumable items- it cost 400 rupees ($8!) BUT i refuse to compromise my affinity for chunky-peanut butter for the sake of a few rupees. 

View from the top of the Gangtok Gondola (Or "rope-way.") It's a 15 minute ride that scans the easte side of Gangtok City. It stops halfway through and just hangs and eerily rocks back and forth to give everyone a better view of the city. 

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